Sunday, November 27, 2011

Image & Voice Recordings

This post is inspired in part by another blog I read this week by Sam Gliksman.  You can read it here.  It discusses three different apps that allow students to add a voice over to a picture, as well as draw over top of the image to help explain it.  I can see a ton of uses for this, but haven’t yet used any of them in class yet.  (In fact, as I write this, these apps are only on my iPad, and not on the department ones yet at all.)

Here’s my first attempt at ShowMe:

Ela and I did one based on her favourite science song (she wouldn’t sing it for you though):   

As you can see, you can both upload your own photos, or draw right in the program (or draw the picture in another program, like DoodleBuddy and import it).  Gilksman also suggests ScreenChomp, but we couldn’t get it to work as easily as ShowMe.  In ScreenChomp the  picture part was easy, and it looked like the recording worked, but when we went back to it, there was no audio.

I think students could use ShowMe to record their understanding of the carbon system that has become the touchstone example in CGC1D.  They could be used in CHC2D/P to analyze a propaganda poster, or battlefield map.  In the greenhouse courses, students could demonstrate their understanding of various cycles or soil types.  This is an excellent way of getting students to demonstrate their understanding of something in a way other than through writing.  

I was planning on discussing Voice Thread, but I haven’t had a chance to play with it on the iPad yet.  Voice Thread is different than ScreenChomp or ShowMe in a few ways.  The first is that you can make more like a slide show, with a variety of images or video that the speaker can comment on.  The second major difference is that other people can also comment on the images, and comments can be recorded orally, through typed text, or video comment.  In this way it is a little more like a conversation.  Voice Thread is also a web based program so you can work on it on the iPads, or computers. More hopefully on this next week...

I’ve asked for a mic, which should cut down on background noise and make it easier to record at school.  There is a built in microphone in the iPads if you want to try it before the mic comes.

I will try to spend some time with Voice Thread this week and write about it next.

Can you see uses for ShowMe in your classes?  How quickly do I need to add this app?  How would you use t?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mindmapping on the iPad

Idea sketch

This is a mindmapping tool.  Student can create mindmaps to demonstrate understanding of a big idea, or relationship between concepts taught in class.  You could have them use a mind map to organize their research, or review for a test/summative assignment.  I’m sure I don’t have to go into all the ways mindmaps can be used.

Here is a mindmap I made at (copied from) Garfield Gini-Newman’s PD session Nov 2 at Monora Park.

I am still playing with this tool, and there is a mistake in the hierarchy (the way I drew the lines), but you get the idea.  You can also display the image as text - see below (in this layout, you can better see where I made the mistake drawing lines):

You could have students share their mindmaps using the document camera the department has.  I also have a toggle to hook the iPads up to the data projector if you would like to play with that.  The app also allows the user to email either the mind map or the text version, but as we have not set the iPads up with individual email addresses, I’m uncertain as to how that would work.  Students may know how themselves - it may be possible for students to set up their own email address in iPad settings, email the file, then make sure they log out.  We need to be careful, we don’t want students having access to each others’ email accounts.  There is also an option to share via facebook (I haven’t tried this).

Granted, this is an example of using the iPads to do something that can be done with paper and pens - in this case it is more about the gadget (contrary to my first blog about best uses for technology in the classroom).  I think though that the possibility of easily switching from mindmap to list view is not something that can be as easily achieved with paper/pens.

There are other mindmapping apps that are available as well.  If you’ve used or seen others that you think might be better, let me know.  I’ve also used popplet, which is nice because there is an online version that you can also use with an account, but I think it limits how many you can do with the free account on the iPad.  Popplet’s other advantage is it is more collaborative.  You can share popplets with others and everyone can edit it (I think).  The other one I’ve heard of is sling note, but I haven’t used it at all.

Your thoughts? Would you use iPads for a mind mapping activity? Have you?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Qwiki app for iPad

Our department has a set of iPads and we are investing in more.  It seems that at this point, the iPads are being used mostly as a connection to the internet. A big part of this, I think, is that people don’t feel they have the time to figure out what apps are out there that might be helpful.  Or that people think you can only get gaming apps and Angry Birds is only applicable to studying parabolas in math. (Other life lessons from Angry Birds may be a future blog.)
But, back on topic... I would like to help out by choosing one app per week that I’ve put on the iPads to tell you about.

This week’s app is Qwiki.

Qwiki is also available on the computer at  For those without an iPad of your own, you can search available Qwikis at home if you want to prepare a lesson around this.
According to Wikipedia, “Qwiki is a platform that creates interactive, on-the-fly, multimedia presentations of information. Its co-founders are entrepreneur Doug Imbruce and Louis Monier, founder of the AltaVista search engine.” (, October 31, 2011)
Qwiki takes information (I believe from wikipedia) and provides a short (2-3 minute) multi-media presentation on the topic of your choice.  There are historical topics as well as current events, news, sports, and entertainment.
After you watch a qwiki on the iPad there is a list of recommended, related qwikis for you to watch.  I’ve used it in a few of my classes with mixed results.  I like that it focuses the research into manageable clips - rather than students scrolling through (not reading) really long Wikipedia entries.  Some students find the computer voice a little annoying (the voice can be turned off, and students can read the scrolling text), but for reluctant readers, it can be helpful.  I used it to introduce students to various aspects of Roman life before starting the Gladiator unit in Adventures in World History (CHM4E). Students were given a list of topics that could be found on Qwiki in chart format and told to write down one thing they learned about the Roman society for each Qwiki topic.
Because of the audio aspect of the app, it is useful to encourage students to use their headphones.

Try it out.  See what’s available on Qwiki for one of your courses.

Please use the comment space to share your experiences with Qwiki (positive or negative).  Or suggest other apps that could be used in our courses.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

My take on technology in education

  • I believe that as educators we need to help students learn how to access information and develop skills that will be useful to them in their future.  
  • I think that learning is more a 24/7 thing now than it has ever been before.
  • I believe that memorizing facts does not equal learning.
  • I don’t believe that we need to ‘dumb down’ our curriculum or our expectations in order to inspire students to learn in our classes - we do need to challenge them differently.  Deep engagement in learning goes beyond fun.
  • I believe that technology can be used to inspire students to learn, but it is the pedagogy behind the use of technology that is important, not the gadget/app/site/game itself.
  • I don’t believe that using technology to do the same things that teachers have done forever without electronic devices is a good use of the technology.  (But it may be a start...)
Feel free to share one or more of your beliefs about technology's place in education in the comment section.